There are two ways to unlock the Bushnell Launch Pro:
  1. Subscribe to a software plan. The Bushnell Launch Pro requires a software plan to access all of its features. There are two software plans available:
    • Basic: $249 per year
    • Gold: $699 per year

The Basic plan provides access to basic data analysis, customizable practice sessions, and game modes. The Gold plan provides access to all of the features of the Basic plan, plus advanced data analysis, video integration, course simulations, and online multiplayer gaming.

  1. Purchase an unlocked Bushnell Launch Pro. Bushnell sells an unlocked version of the Launch Pro for $3,999. The unlocked version of the Launch Pro does not require a software subscription, but it also does not include the software that comes with the subscription-based version.

To unlock the Bushnell Launch Pro with a software subscription, follow these steps:

  1. Create an account on the Bushnell website.
  2. Register your Bushnell Launch Pro.
  3. Choose a software plan and subscribe.

Once you have subscribed to a software plan, you can start using the Bushnell Launch Pro to track your shots and improve your game.

To unlock the Bushnell Launch Pro with an unlocked version, simply purchase the unlocked unit from Bushnell or an authorized retailer. Once you have purchased the unlocked unit, you can start using the Bushnell Launch Pro without a software subscription.

Please note that the unlocked version of the Bushnell Launch Pro does not include the software that comes with the subscription-based version. You will need to purchase the software separately if you want to use it with the unlocked unit.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.