The overall cost of the Bushnell Launch Pro depends on whether you purchase the unlocked version or the version with a software subscription.

Bushnell Launch Pro Unlocked: $3,999 USD

This version of the Launch Pro does not require a software subscription, but it also does not include the software that comes with the subscription-based version.

Bushnell Launch Pro with Software Subscription:

  • Basic: $3,499 USD + $249/year for the Basic software plan
  • Gold: $3,499 USD + $699/year for the Gold software plan

The Basic software plan provides access to basic data analysis, customizable practice sessions, and game modes. The Gold software plan provides access to all of the features of the Basic plan, plus advanced data analysis, video integration, course simulations, and online multiplayer gaming.

If you are serious about improving your golf game, the Bushnell Launch Pro is a great investment. It is a very accurate and easy-to-use launch monitor that can help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time.

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