Unlock Your Best Golf Swing
The Lag Shot Golf Clubs weighted clubhead + hyper-flexible shaft allows you to ‘load the club’ perfectly, generate more lag automatically, and make confident swings with ideal tempo, rhythm, and timing.
Benefits of Practicing with Lag Shot Golf:
- Add Lag Naturally and Effortlessly
- Promotes a Relaxed Grip and Smooth ‘One Piece’ Takeaway
- Grooves a fluid, ‘stress free’ transition that stores power without over swinging
- More Distance – hit 2 clubs LESS into each green resulting in more accurate approach shots and shorter putts
With the Lag Shot driver, you’ll add 20-30 yards of easy distance to your average drive. You’ll also groove a consistent, repeatable driver swing with a smooth transition, more lag, increased clubhead speed, and perfect tempo and timing.
Golf Digests 2022 ‘Best Swing Trainer’ of the Year!
What’s Included
- Lag Shot Golf Club
- Free Bonus Video Course ($67 Value)
- Bonus Secret Weapon Transition Drill
- Impact Secrets of Champions Video
Product Specifications
Lag Shot Golf Clubs:
- Standard length, loft, and lie with a whippy, flexible shaft and beautiful “jet black” clubhead.
- Improves tempo & timing by letting you feel exactly where the clubhead is in the golf swing at all times.
- Helps you generate more clubhead speed effortlessly (without swinging out of your shoes).
- Slows down your “too quick” transition so you can hit solid, accurate drives and find more fairways.
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